Fact Checking Policy

Fact Check and Transparency

At Hosavishya.com, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of accuracy, fairness, and transparency in our news reporting. As a news portal website running in the Kannada language and serving the Karnataka region in India, we recognize the importance of providing reliable information to our readers.

Fact Checking Process:

  1. Verification of Sources: Our dedicated team of journalists and fact-checkers rigorously verifies the sources of information before publishing news articles. We rely on reputable sources, including official statements, government agencies, reliable news organizations, and expert opinions.
  2. Cross-Verification: We cross-verify information by consulting multiple sources to ensure accuracy and minimize the risk of misinformation. This process helps us present a comprehensive and balanced view of the news.
  3. Objectivity and Impartiality: We strive to maintain objectivity and impartiality in our fact-checking process. Our aim is to present the facts accurately without any bias or personal opinion.
  4. Corrections and Updates: If any errors or inaccuracies are identified in our published articles, we promptly correct them and provide updated information to our readers. We value transparency and take responsibility for rectifying any mistakes that may occur.

Transparency in Reporting:

  1. Attribution: We provide clear attribution for our sources and credit the original authors or organizations whenever possible. This practice ensures transparency and acknowledges the contributions of others.
  2. Editorial Independence: We maintain editorial independence and do not allow external influences to compromise the integrity of our news reporting. Our journalists adhere to ethical guidelines and strive to present news stories in an unbiased and fair manner.
  3. Opinion Separation: We clearly distinguish between news articles and opinion pieces. Opinion pieces reflect the personal views of the authors and do not represent the official stance of Hosavishya.com.
  4. Corrections and Feedback: We encourage our readers to report any factual errors they may find in our articles. If you spot an error or have feedback regarding our content, please contact us. We appreciate your assistance in maintaining the accuracy and credibility of our news reporting.

Commitment to Transparency:

Hosavishya.com is committed to being transparent about our editorial policies, fact-checking processes, and corrections. We value the trust placed in us by our readers and strive to provide accurate and reliable news coverage.

Please note that the information provided on this page is for illustrative purposes only. The actual fact-checking and transparency practices of Hosavishya.com may differ. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.

Please note that the information provided on this page is for illustrative purposes only. The actual fact-checking and transparency practices of Hosavishya.com may differ.